Slag Heap

Lucia Canuto and Torture Report

In this exhibition, artists delve into the rich history of print and explore the recycling of old newspapers, imagery and other print forms as a medium for contemporary art. Through a variety of mediums such as collage, printmaking, and sculpture, these artists challenge the traditional notion of newspapers as disposable and unimportant. Instead, they showcase the potential of this medium to convey powerful messages, tell stories, and create visually striking works of art.

Lucia Canuto and Torture Report explore the ways in which newspapers have been used as a tool for political and social change, as well as their role in shaping public opinion. Through their use of vintage newspapers, these artists pay homage to the past while also commenting on the present.

At the same time, Slag Heap also highlights the potential of repurposing old print forms as a medium for contemporary art. By using newspapers as a raw material, these artists demonstrate the versatility and durability of print as a medium. They also highlight the importance of sustainable practices, encouraging viewers to think about the environmental impact of our consumption of printed materials. Through a diverse range of works, these artists challenge viewers to consider the significance of print in our lives, both past and present

Slag Heap
25th March - 2nd of April, 2022
Opening night, Friday 25th of March
6pm - 9pm